T8 MOBIO+ is a metabiotic for normalization of intestinal function with high bioavailability.
T8 MOBIO+ stimulates the growth of its own, healthy microbiota, delivering nutrients for this reproduction.
It is important that T8 MOBIO+ does not conflict with a person's own microflora. Metabolic substances reach the large intestine unchanged, that is, they have high bioavailability and have an instant effect.
How does T8 MOBIO+ work?
Lysates* of Bifido and Lacto bacteria: *A lysate (from the Greek "lysis" - "decomposition") is formed as a result of the destruction of bacterial cells. It includes particles of bacteriophages and fragments of the walls of microorganisms that are not pathogenic and, accordingly, do not pose an infectious risk to the body.
Beneficial properties of T8 MOBIO+:
- Reduces inflammatory reactions in the gastrointestinal tract;
- Normalizes intestinal pH;
- Restores intestinal microbiota after taking antibiotics and other harmful factors;
- Protects against gastrointestinal disorders;
- Suitable for the prevention of intestinal infections;
What you will get after using T8 MOBIO+:
Restoration: your microflora is regenerated after taking antibiotics, unbalanced diet, climate change and other conditions.
Gastrointestinal tract: your intestines stimulate the growth of their own microflora and improve metabolism, which ultimately helps improve digestion.
Bacterial environment: your body is protected from harmful bacteria (which cause various diseases) and resists their reproduction.
Vitamin absorption: your body more effectively absorbs vitamins, micro- and macroelements, such as iron, calcium or zinc.
Immunity: your body has general resistance to infections and stress.
Nervous system: your body is resistant to stress and anxiety.
Defense: your body's own microflora becomes more resistant to pathogenic strains.