Regenerating Eye Contour Gel-Cream
15 ml
Nourishing gel-cream to treat the delicate skin around the eyes. It is rich in snail extract that help to improve its regeneration, achieving a beautiful and bright look.
Main ingredients: snail protein extract, biopolymer of yucca, glycopeptide of soya, prorenew complex, vitamin complex, avocado oil
Indications for use: indicated to treat areas around the eyes and lips. It encourages regeneration and skin renewal
Mode of application: apply a small amount of product morning and / or evening on the skin around the cleansed eyes in circular motions
Packing: 15 ml
Storage conditions: room temperature
Expiration date: 5 years, 12 months from opening
Основные ингредиенты: экстракт протеина улитки, биополимер юкки, гликопептид сои, комплекс proRenew, витаминный комплекс, масло авокадо
Показания к применению: для ухода за кожей вокруг глаз и губ
Способ применения: небольшое количество средства нанести утром и / или вечером на кожу вокруг глаз круговыми движениями
Упаковка: 15 мл в тюбике
Срок годности: 5 лет, 12 месяцев после вскрытия
Условия хранения: при комнатной температуре
Nourishing gel-cream to treat the delicate skin around the eyes. It is rich in snail extract that help to improve its regeneration, achieving a beautiful and bright look.