
Drainage meso-cocktail NeoSlim

5 ml in a bottle
NeoSlim drainage cocktail with lipopeptides that triggers skin renewal. It has a pronounced anti-glycation and antioxidant effect. Improves lymphatic drainage, removes toxins and fat accumulation.


Main ingredients: peptide complex: dipeptide-2, palmitoyltetrapeptide-7, acetyltetrapeptide-5; caffeine, carnitine, rutin
Indications for use: the vascular stage (VST) in correction and prevention programs for major involutional skin changes is a necessary technique for preparing for the main procedure and increasing its effectiveness; swelling, puffiness and heaviness of the face; swelling of the upper eyelid (heavy look); strongly wrinkled forehead; heavy roller over the nasolabial folds; local fat deposits in the cheeks and chin; dull complexion, decreased skin turgor; ptosis of the soft tissues of the face - pronounced age-related changes and facial gravity: nasolabial folds, creases and wrinkles; preparatory and rehabilitation period in order to optimize the result and reduce the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery, laser, and other hardware and cosmetic procedures
Mode of application: mesoinjector, mesoscooter, dermapen, fractional mesotherapy (under a cartridge), intravenous injections, for hardware cosmetology (under contact gels) – during microcurrent, ultrasound therapy, iontophoresis. Recommended course: 2-3-5 procedures with an interval of 10-14 days. Maintenance course: 1 procedure every 1.5-2-4 months
Packing: 5 ml in a bottle
Storage conditions: at room temperature
Expiration date: 2 years
Противопоказания к применению NEO SLIM:
аутоиммунные заболевания
острые инфекционные заболевания, герпес
беременность и лактация
воспалительные элементы на коже в местах проведения процедуры
нарушение системы свертывания крови — тромбоцитопения, коагулопатия, гемофилия и др
склoннoсть к пoявлению кeллoидных рубцoв
индивидуaльнaя нeпeрeнoсимoсть кoмпoнентoв прeпaрaтa

The NeoSlim drainage cocktail with the effect of anti-glycation and liporeduction is suitable for eliminating age-related changes that appear over time under the influence of stress, life in a metropolis, gravity, wrong habits, etc., “frees” the face and body from excess fluid, stagnant fat deposits, stimulates metabolism substances, special attention is paid to the area around the eyes - swelling goes away and circles under the eyes disappear. In addition, the drug reduces the severity of nasolabial folds, improves the oval of the face, providing a lifting effect. The most important thing is that NeoSlim promotes healthy blood vessels, increased tissue trophism, improved tissue respiration, blood vessels become more elastic and healthy. Advantages: the vascular stage is the most important stage when carrying out procedures on the face and body, since the stimulating effect on the vessels of the microcirculatory bed in the projection of the spinal column and large vessels activates microcirculation throughout the body and enhances the effect of the main procedure, powerful lymphatic drainage - decongestant, lipolytic, venotonic, restorative and antioxidant effect in one bottle, does not cause side effects, is suitable for any skin type, has no age restrictions, the procedure can be performed on various parts of the body: face, neck, décolleté, back, wrists, elbows, knees, the inner surfaces of the arms and thighs, in the buttocks and abdomen.

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