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Aleksandra Bezrukih
Aleksandra Bezrukih
Aleksandra Bezrukih
Dr. Cosmetologist, Dermatovenerologist
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Work experience 19 years.
Certified specialist in the areas of injection, hardware, laser and filament techniques.

Slogan: “Do no harm! I love people, I love my job, so I live with pleasure!"

From 2008 to 2011 worked at ZAO Family Health (representative office of Allergan in St. Petersburg) where she taught injection techniques. From 2011 to 2021 Aleksandra worked as a cosmetologist at CJSC "MEDI", where she improved her knowledge and skills in hardware and laser techniques. Since 2017 Aleksandra has been the official trainer of the Israeli brand Luminera in Belarus and the Baltic states. Since 2011, she regularly attends international congresses in Russia and Europe, both as a participant and as a listener.

2002 - graduated from the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov.
2003 - internship in general therapy.
2005 - residency in nephrology and hemodialysis.
2007 - Postgraduate studies in nephrology, hemodialysis and transplantation.
2007 - received a specialization in dermatovenerology.
2007 - received a specialization in cosmetology at the Mechnikov North-West State Medical University in St. Petersburg.
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